Publications written or edited by R.N. Iyer

“The Gupta Vidya” in three volumes contains the Theosophical writings of Shri Raghavan N. Iyer, published in Hermes from 1975 through 1989 and collected and edited by himself.
God, Nature and Man
Beginning with an overview of Theosophy, the ancient Eternal Doctrine, and its ageless wisdom, the first volume of essays illuminate the self-existent nature of deity beyond all thought and conception, the creative logos behind and within the sevenfold manifestation of existence, the nature of consciousness and the highest aspect of man, the universal spirit, atman.
The whole of involution and evolution is set out in a cosmic context and with special reference to the human being as an immortal soul, the real Man in each individual, and his role in the evolutionary process. A third section of essays surveys the nature of consciousness and self-consciousness at their various levels of activity.
The Golden Thread
The second volume, “The Golden Thread”, elaborates the ageless teachings of the Wisdom-Religion as a mighty spiritual stream, sometimes hidden but always present, behind the entire history of humanity and demonstrates its relevance to humanity today and in the future. After tracing this life-giving knowledge as a golden thread through history, Iyer turns to classic sacred texts of Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism and Christianity to show the transmission of the fundamental doctrines by diverse spiritual teachers in various religions, all concentrating on the power of self-transformation and consciously choosing the life to live within the context of the whole of humanity and the cosmos. His essays then elucidate the universal ideas of karma and reincarnation and their implications for immortality, consciousness, choice and self-determination. The final section shows how the universal perspective of Theosophy can be made practical in daily life through meditation, a deepened sense of self, thoughtfulness and transcendence, and a profound sense of the ethical life which is coextensive with the whole of existence.
The Pilgrimage of Humanity
Following on a rich presentation of the timeless teachings of Theosophy, this volume turns to the evolution of humanity and its pilgrimage from a past lost to history, its present situation, and its long future. Rather than a chronological history of humanity, the essays set out the elements of humanity’s past that are relevant to the present and future within the context of karma and reincarnation, demonstrating that each individual is on a pilgrimage that is fundamental to the whole of existence. Essays then focus on the possibility of Enlightenment or full Self-realization as part of that whole and detail what is involved in such spiritual growth and self-transformation, including renunciation, real knowledge, attention, will, perception, integration and true freedom. A section elaborates the renown Yoga Sutras of Patanjali on meditation, and the final chapters show how all such teachings can be practically applied in one’s life and for one’s spiritual growth.
Throughout the volumes, many practical suggestions are provided to the aspiring reader who seeks to awaken ever deeper levels of his or her own conscious awareness of the One Self within and without. Glossary and index included.
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