Study Circles
Maitreya Academy Study Circles foster freedom and expansiveness of thought in the shared act of exploring seminal texts that creatively interweave the sacred and the secular in myriad ways and modes. Drawing upon the vital quintessence of the Upanishadic-Platonic tradition, study circles examine time-honored texts of universal appeal for the sake of lifelong learning in daily life. Intense exploration of metaphysical, ethical, and meta-psychological concepts forms the basis for self-enquiry and deliberation in thought and speech. By nurturing dialectical openness, it aims to focus the finest contributions of science, spirituality, and intellectual culture upon the challenges of the emerging City of Man and the awakening of a Global Republic of Conscience.
Join our Study Circles
Participants of the Maitreya Academy freely affirm the following
Code of Conduct in relation to all Academy Study Circles:
1. To revere the Divine in all its variety in Nature and in Man;
2. To regard with wholehearted respect the myriad Wisdom-Teachers of Humanity;
3. To cherish freedom of fearless thought (diánoia) and honour every truth (satya) by its use;
4. To exemplify the harmonizing ethics of civility, non-violence (ahimsā) and therapeutic understanding in relationship with others;
5. To practice creative proportionality (sōphrosýne) and joyous restraint in the spirit of fidelity to the ideals of the Academy.

The aim of the Aquarian Sangam Circle is to help students creatively bridge the celestial and the terrestrial – the fusion of the macrocosm and the microcosm, the sacred and the secular in the Aquarian Age. This study circle will examine pure cosmic archetypes taken from the worlds Wisdom-Teachings and explore the myriad means of renewing the elusive balance between spiritual search and social responsibility.